Jumat, 04 Desember 2009


kemaren maleman gue kakak gue sama cowo gue iseng iseng chat di omegle.com hasilnya gini deh ini cuma dua sebnernya ada lagi yang seru tadi lupa di copy

Stranger: hotel or motel
Stranger: only fucking americans have motels
Stranger: wtf is a motel
You: eleuh ngomong naon ateuh euy
You: ?
Stranger: oh your gay
You: abdi teh teu ngarti
Stranger: sorry


Stranger: hi
You: hi
Stranger: ur asl?
You: 17
Stranger: m/f
You: your sex first
Stranger: m
You: f
Stranger: from?
You: france
Stranger: me,shashank ,18
You: where you from?
Stranger: i'm from india,the land of taj mahal
Stranger: whats ur name?
You: oooh okey
You: im muchele
You: michele
You: u?
Stranger: Shashank
Stranger: nice name of urs
You: haaaaahahaha kena deeeeh gue cowo
Stranger: it really is
Stranger: is that something in french?
You: yeaaah
You: it means your great
Stranger: thanks
You: once again
You: i will write a french
You: tai tai tai tai
Stranger: wats that/
You: it means i love you
You: hahaha kidding
Stranger: ohhh!really
You: no im just kidding hehe
You: once again
Stranger: r u on orkut or facebook?
You: tolol lo goblok bego idiot
You: u first
Stranger: it means i'm an idiot
Stranger: am i right?
Stranger: hey,wats up right now/
You: nooooo you wrooong
You: in france it means you awesome
Stranger: really or again kidding
You: yeees im serious
Stranger: then thank u once again
Stranger: so wat r u doin' right now?
You: now im gonna tell you the phrase of france
You: dou you wanna listen?
Stranger: yeah!
You: kalau ada sumur diladang
You: boleh kita menumpang mandi
You: kalau ada umur panjang
You: boleh kita jumpa lagi
Stranger: tell its meaning too
Stranger: r u still online?
You: yeeah
You: im just away
You: oke
You: the meaning is
You: if i got a just one more day
You: i just wanna to say hello to you
You: ngehe lo jing
Stranger: so tell something about urself
Stranger: hey,please reply!!!
You: oke im sorry
You: i have study
You: becouse i have an exam
Stranger: ma exam r 4m 14th of this month
Stranger: r u orkut or facebook
You: what are u talhing about?
You: dont understand
You: tot lo bangsat hahaha omongan gw ga ngerti ya? tolol lo nyet mau aja dibegoin dasar tolol
You: wakakakakakakkakaka
You: im gotta go
You: see you
You: ngentiaaauw lo


taylor momsen i want you

taylor momsen i want you




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